Before we made maple syrup we were rescuing animals, starting with a German Shepherd pup many years ago.
Rescuing one animal won’t change the world, but the world will change for that one animal.

Eldridge was found at an annual draft horse auction.  These horses are often worked until they can’t work anymore, and are shipped to auction before winter so they are not an extra mouth to feed.  He had gone without food or water and his eyes were sunken in his head, he was so dehydrated.  He reminded me of an elephant, and he became Ellie until we got him home and saw that Eldridge was a more appropriate name.  He never cared much about being brushed or fussed over until the last couple years of his life.  The summer of 2014 I was in the pasture brushing him and another horse, and when I finished with him I turned around to brush the other horse.  The last thing I expected was for Eldie to walk in between us and stand there and wait for more brushing!  But there was Eldie waiting for another turn.  He was very much loved and spoiled, and always fed his grain first.  Rest in Peace Eldie.